Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Weekly Question

Who handles a cold better?

Well the winter nights are drawing in, the days are getting shorter. The weather is starting to change, and the cold is starting to set in. Despite global warming it is going to be, according to the weather experts, a pretty cold Winter, which means that all other the world, men and women are going to be catching the one incurable virus that incapacitates them in their droves. The Common Cold!

Yes this wee beastie, has put down many a tough man, and many a tougher woman, but just who copes with a cold better, that is what I want to know? I know the results of one survey already, that from Nuts magazine, their findings?

Well they found that Men are more likely to "throw a sickie" then women were. They were more likely to feel as though they felt worse than they actually were (in other words milk it), and much less likely just to get on with things.

We aren't like that are we chaps? We can't be can we? Well......

I know that I for one will generally get on with it, as long as I am doped up to the eyeballs with cold remedies then I can cope, well alright I can just about cope... no to tell the truth, I think it's a horrible thing to have, I hate having a cold, I feel dreadful when I have a cold! Nobody feel worse than me! Ahhh! I see what they mean in the survey.

So what do I do when I get a cold? Well it's not very often that I do nowadays thank goodness, but as soon as I get a snuffle, I get out the Lemsip (cold remedy in the UK), and have a drink, then buy in the cough sweets, and eat half of them. Most of the time, if I catch it in time, the cold doesn't develop.

But do these remedies work? Is there anything else that I can try to help?

I have in the past been a bit silly, and had hot orange with a drop of whiskey, spoon of honey, drop of lemon, and two paracetamols in. Tastes surprisingly nice, and has you asleep quite quickly, the disadvantage is you wake up with a headache, and you don't feel that much better anyway! Must have used too much orange ;O).

What do women do? Not a lot really, they just get on with it, and that is the most annoying thing, it also means that SURELY us men suffer more than women when it comes to colds.

The debate will rage on no matter what, and I am sorry to say it fella's, but women do seem to handle a cold better than us. PLEASE prove me wrong gents!

Results of last poll: Is George Bush a 'lame duck' President?

YES : 62.5%
NO: 37.5%


Anonymous said...

No dave, you are absolutely right. Us men are wimps when it comes to being sick. I think it is a ploy to get a woman to pay attention to us and look after us. I am not much for medicine unless it is really bad, I just start popping vitamin C drops and that seems to shorten the recovery time. We men consider ourselves the stronger sex just because women allow us to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,
I agree with Will men are wimps whenit comes to sickness. If they have a cold they say they have flu'. Just take a cod liver oil tablet every day and you are unlikely to get a cold. Itold you that years ago!!! Love ya

Anonymous said...

Women have a stronger tolerance for sure. Since we're taking care of men already in the first place, it's just natural for us to continue doing so when we're sick. :o) Hey, I've got three guys to take care of so I should know. When they're sick, there's nothing like a little fever and a stuffy nose to make a grown man a big 'ol baby. Picture big macho husband looking at me with sad puppy dog eyes and quivering lip saying "Do I feel hot?"

Impman said...

LOL I can just picture that LOL