Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Fun & Games

Festive Fun Quiz

Well I have finally found a spare few moments to get the Christmas Quiz posted, it's taken a while and for that I apologise, but as the wife has bought enough off Ebay for this year I get to go on the computer again!!!

OK so here we go have fun with the quiz, and a very Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Round 1 - What Movie
Nice easy one to start with, all the images below are from movies that have a christmas theme running through them. Simply name the film. Oh and the actor featured.











There not so hard was it??

Next up...

Round 2: - Santa Who
Those pesky make-up Elves have been at it again, this time they've dressed up some stars as Santa. All you have to do is name the star!











Another easy one Eh???

Now onto the round that Will hates, it's the music round!

Round 4: Christmas Carols
A nice round up of Christmas songs, simply name the song and the artist, a couple have been altered slightly (sped up) as it would be far too easy otherwise!

Christmas Tune 1
Christmas Tune 2
Christmas Tune 3
Christmas Tune 4
Christmas Tune 5
Christmas Tune 6
Christmas Tune 7
Christmas Tune 8
Christmas Tune 9
Christmas Tune 10

Finally we have the last round, that could be the hardest of all!

Round 4 - Christmas Crackers

Below are some of the worst ever Christmas cracker jokes, your task is to simply give the punchline or fill in the missing word.

1) What do sheep say to each other at Christmas time?Merry Christmas to ????

2) What's the best thing to put into Christmas dinner? ??????

3) What comes at the end of Christmas Day? ??????

4) What's the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet? The Christmas alphabet has ?????

5) What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? ???????

6) What is the best key to get at Christmas? ??????

7) What do angry mice send to each other in December? ????? ?? Cards

8) Knock Knock.Who's there?Mary.Mary who? ??????

9) Why is Rudolph always so wet? Because he ??????

10) Why did the lawyer have to dress up as Father Christmas? His Contract had a ??????

Awful jokes I know but that is why they belong in Christmas Crackers.

Hope the quiz was OK. Have a great Christmas and New Year!

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Back Again!!

At long last I have managed to get a bit of time to put a little bit on the blog. I really didn't realise just how long it has been since I last posted!
Well due to the fact I am not able to get on so often now, I am looking to do a bumper Christmas Quiz, to make up for all the weeks I have missed in not doing one.

I am off to Portugal again on Monday, the 2nd time in 2 weeks, but it's only for 3 days. Then around the UK for a while, and then the following week out to Berlin for the night. Although there are only 13 people working for us at the moment, we are really, really busy, BUT I still manage to get home at a reasonable time, and the company treat me far far better. I am well made up!

Hopefully, I will have enough chance in the next two weeks to put up the quiz, so until then TARRRAAAA!!!