Monday, September 11, 2006

Fun & Games

Weekly Quiz

It's that time again, and as there were sadly no entries last week into the quiz, nobody got a link to their site. Ho Hum, I will keep plugging away in the hope that the questions are going to get answered, so click continue to take this weeks quiz, and find out what the answers were to last weeks. Best of luck!

Round 1 - Splatter Heads

The following pictures have had there stars faces mangled by a duplicator ray, rendering their faces a right mess! Just tell me the name of the film ans name of the star/s.

1. Piece of Cake this one.

2. Film should be OK but how about actor/actress?

3. Another easy one.

Round 2: What on Earth?

Another pictorial round, this time it's another of those what on earth is that ones.

1. What could this be?

2. This next one is tricky but you will measure up.

3. Finally for this round take a look at this.

Finally Round 3 : Quizicals

1. Who wrote the words of the hymn Amazing Grace?

2. What was the name of the lioness in the 1966 film 'Born Free'?

3. You have heard of spiking drinks, but in what game would you spike the ball?

4. What anniversary do you celebrate after 15 years?

5. Which US president said "Read my Lips: No new taxes"?


Invisibles: 1. Dan Akroyd and John Belushi in the Blues Brothers, 2. Jim Carey in The Mask, 3. Bruce Willis and Ulma Thurman in Pulp Fiction.

What on Earth: 1. A Computer Mouse, 2. A 3-pin Plug

Quizicals: 1. Potatoes, 2. Mexico, 3. Sheryl Crow, 4. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, 5. John Paul Getty III

Good Luck for this week!


Anonymous said...

Hopeless on the quiz Dave, don't know any of the pictures, one looks like a keyboard,no idea on the films. Without looking it up only know one question. Elsa!

Impman said...

Only one right I am afraid!

Will said...

I saw your quiz last week and meant to go back and try it out, but a lot happens between meant to and actually doing it.

So let me try this week's:
Splatter Heads
1. Tommy Lee Jones (From my hometwon) and Will Smith (My namesake) in Men In Black.

2. Mila Jovovich in The Fifth Element.

3. Johnny Depp in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

What On Earth
1. A keyboard
2. A ruler
3. A window lock?

1. John Newton, I have no idea why I know that one.
2. Simba?
3. Football, or for you guys across the pond American Football.
4. Zinc?
5. Read My Lips, George Bush, Sr. or as we call him in Texas, 41. Both Bushs also lived for a while in my hometown.

Impman said...

Magnificent scoring Will!, you only got a few wrong, but I may give you the quizicals number 3 as a right answer, as I don't know much about American Football. It was another sport I was thinking of though. Think 6 a side not 30 a side! LOL
Have a look at the What on Earths again, you are very, very close with a keyboard, and you get 1/2 a point for that, no make it 3/4 you're so close.
As for number 3 of What on Earths, you are way off.
Thanks for trying, I think you will win!

Will said...

Okay, What in Earth 1 is a telephone keypad

Quizicals 2 is Elsa

3 is Volleyball I guess. In Football you spike the ball after you score a touchdown by throwing the ball down hard. It is a celebratory gesture so I guess it is not "technically" part of the game. And there is only 11 on each side in Football. ;-)

4 is Crystal (I found a website that suggested buying a Billy Crystal DVD as a novel gift for the fifteenth anniversary)

As for What On Earth 3...Vacuum cleaner, a sewing machine, an out of focus picture of something, what you see when you wake up with a hang over and your eyes won't focus, the horsehead nebula, Billy Crystal, bigfoot, the elusive weapons of mass distruction? I'm only guessing here.

Anonymous said...

You have just about got the lot so I will put you out of your misery early, number 3 is a stapler! It's an out of focus close up of the front part! Nice one will, your prize is to spend a fortnight in the Connecticut house, No expenses paid ;)

Will said...

Early? I was starring at that for quite a while, making my eyes cross so I might get a glimpse. And now you want to send my to my death, (I would be scared to death in that house) Thanks. ;-) Nice quiz.

Anonymous said...

Just did your quiz...only to find out I was wasting my time! When i scrolled down, you had given the answers. How about more time for us slow coaches. Hope you and the kids are okay, love you. Big Sis x