Friday, September 01, 2006

Current Affairs

Blair Going or Not?

I aint going anywhere!

Well Tony has just told his party to stop asking when he will be leaving, and get on with their jobs. Which will only antagonise Gordon Brown that much more, and further alienate him from his own party. Could it be that Tony is far closer to Maggie than he thought?

It is well known that arguably one of the best Prime minister's this country has ever had, was hounded out of office. But like Tony, Margaret Thatcher was getting too big for her boots, she thought that she could do no wrong in the eyes of the public and her party. In short power corrupted, and rusted the Iron Lady.

Tony 'Smiler' Blair, is much the same, he came to power on a wave of favourable public opinion (I just thought he was a smarmy git!), and has led Labour in three election victories. Mind you he didn't have much opposition really, now did he? He was the darling of the Labour party, and was the young, dashing father who was going to set the country to rights, and was on the common mans side.

Humm, OK there may have been some good policies such as the minimum wage, but the rest? Because of government targets that just have to be met, we are no better off in the long term. Borrowing has rocketed, and so has petty crime and urban decay. But perhaps the biggest problem of all has been the number of aledgedly dodgy deals and sleaze that has been undertaken by Tony's government, and indeed the allegations against him personally.

But, still Tony is hanging on to power, why? Because he loves it so much, he loves the holidays at public expense, the travel, the high life, the feeling that he is in control. It is my opinion that Mr. Blair is the most powerful control freak in the country, and that is a dangerous thing. Another opinion is that he only does things that is favourable to the public. If he thinks of a policy, it is leaked and if the public don't like it, the policy is dropped or altered. He has no balls to carry through unpopular policies, why? Because he want to be the darling of the public, he wants to show that he is still great.

I have got a giant Invisible Hambuger in my hands, and I am enjoying eating it!

Take the Gulf war, we only went into Iraq, as his advisors said they may have WMD's. He even told the house that is why they went to Iraq, when they found none, his excuse for going into Iraq was to remove a vicious dictator. Well on that basis half the African countries in the world and a few Middle eastern countries should be preparing for Invasion. That is the thing I hate most about the man, the amount of spin, and misleading quotes and the like.

But now our Tony is in trouble, he has got some opposition to face, just like Margaret Thatcher had, it comes not only from the Tories, but from his own party. David Cameron looks to be a breath of fresh air for the stale and stuffy Conservatives, he is saying things that make a lot of sense much to the disgust of some of the older party members. He is the Conservatives new Blair, hopefully he wont turn out the same as the current one, and is gaining in popularity everyday. But our Tony continues to make himself unpopular with Joe Public, he continues to hold onto his life-blood of power with his every breath.

I am convinced that Tony will not want to relinquish power until he absolutely has to, even if it means defeat for his beloved party. For he like Thatcher before him has become too big for his own boots, he doesn't want to give up his mantle of power, and become just another PM, he likes the limelight too much.

So is Blair going...?

Well, may be next year, but I can't see him going before then, his ego wont let him!

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