Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Movie Review


Well I don't know if any of you watch this, in the UK it is on at 10pm on a Monday on the Sci-Fi channel, and we tune in religiously to watch it. Why the mainstream SKY channels haven't snapped it up is beyond me, for Heroes is a Phenomenom.

In the states and Online the episodes are well in advance of the UK, we have just had episode 8 screened, I think they are up to about 20 in the States.

So what is all the fuss about?

Heroes is basically about a group of people with special powers, powers that will eventually help to save the world. "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" is the message given to one of those (Peter, one of the flying brothers), by Hiro, the undoubted star of the show, who can bend space and time meaning he can go forwards and backwards in time or simply just stop it.

Save the Cheerleader, Save the World

Not that Claire the Cheerleader needs any help, as the first time we see her, her friend is videotaping her as she jups off a 80ft gantry to the floor, then stands up, and her body just fixes itself. I wont even go into the autopsy table!

We also have a policeman that can hear peoples thoughts, a man who can walk through walls, an artist who paints the future, a woman who has a really wicked reflection, as in tear people apart wicked.

The Heroes

But there is a bad side, someone called Syla is killing people with special abilities, and he has a very special way of doing it (Slicing off the top of their heads and removing their brains!).

This is a well made series and I can't wait for each episode, I don't download them, as if I did it would give me nothing to look forward to, and to be honest spoil my enjoyment. So every week I feel a sense of AAAAAARRRGGGGGHHHH, when it finishes on a particularly interesting part (rather like the X-files used to do).

If you haven't seen it watch it, when it comes out no matter how much it costs, that box set is mine!

Hiro the Hero!


Will said...

We have had 18 episodes and it is on hiatus until the end of the month (a seven week gap!)

Will said...

Oh yeah, and I grew up 20 miles from Odessa, Texas (Where Claire the Cheerleader lives).

Anonymous said...

Oh you lucky devil!

What do you think of the show then Will?

Will said...

I love it. It is currently in my top 2 (behind NCIS).