Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Last Day

The Search is ON!!

This is it, today (10/10/07) is my last day in work, and the hunt is on for a new job.

I had an interview yesterday, and it looks like it is a bit better than I the one I am in now, but with the latest Postal strike in the UK just ending, there is a huge back log of mail. Are there any job offers amongst them??? Have interviews been missed?? Who knows but the Post Office deserve a right royal kick up the preverbial backside for their unsympathetic views towards everyone else in the country.

OK I am in the process of doing the next quiz, and it should be up shortly.

Cheers till then!


ladyluck3819 said...

do you really get jo offer by mail??
wow, that sounds so incredible in the Internet Era..

Anyway I keep my finger crossed for you to find a new and satisfyin job soon.

ladyluck3819 said...

.. in the meanwhile I guess some clicks on your ads may help, right?

Anonymous said...

It will indeed! Thanks for those comments, and I will return the ad clicking favour for you!