A lot has happened!!
Well firstly sorry for not posting earlier, but it's been quite hectic these last two weeks. I have had 3 job interviews (one with an offer), worked two days for the 'possible' new company, and had my expenses from my old job put on hold.
We have also had our holiday next week cancelled, then moved to a different place, and time, before moving to a different place with the same time!
To top it all I have had no real chance to put up the quiz, so for the first time it looks like I will have a quiz free month. Mind you November should be OK as it's firework month and also the end of October marks Halloween, so I might just get in a quiz for then.
I have also discovered a new website that is great for a TV and Movie freak like myself, it's called TVLinks, and I have convieniently put a link to it in the side bar. Loads of Tv series, Films, Cartoons and Music for you to watch, and best of all it is all free!!!!!!!
Have a look and enjoy!
New Digs
15 years ago