Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Rant time

Wasteful Plastic Packaging

OK I am going to have a rant, and this just may be the start of something regular on the blog. After all there are so many things that you can rant about aren't there? So many things that get right up your nose, and have you swearing and cursing every living thing, and inanimate object around.

So what has got my goat up??

This has:-

No it's not the product itself, that is not a problem, the problem was getting into it, a totally sealed plastic package! You need a knife or pair of scissors at the very least to open it. Then you look a little closer and find that instructions are normally placed just where you cut the plastic. Result, the VITAL piece of instruction has been cut through and is now un-bloody readable!

But what if you don't have a pair of scissors or knife to hand? Worse still, what if the scissors aren't sharp enough, what then?? Then once you have got inside, or rather you have split the plastic to gain access, you run the risk of splitting your fingers open on the razor sharp plastic edges!

I have seen at airports people buy things like memory sticks and flash cards, then struggle and curse when they discover these aesthetically beautiful bits of packaging that so neatly hold their prized possessions. Are in fact evil mechanisms designed to invoke sheer rage on the consumer. Unless they have the type that you can pull open, but even then chances are you pull too hard and the contents go flyng.

What I do is to cut around the product with a sharp knife and then lift the cut plastic away, that way you don't destroy anything.

Then there is the things that the kids toys are packaged in. Toys wired to the box, so you have to try, and I mean try and get the things out for the little angels without damaging the box. You manage to do that and then discover to your horror that the bloody ties are threaded that tight on the toy you can't get the sodding things off! AAAAAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!

I don't know what sadist thought up this style of packaging, but whoever it was needs to be locked up with a roomful of products in it, and told to open them all, without the aid of a knife, or scissors, and with the proviso that for every set of instructions damaged he will receive another 10 packages to open. Let's see just how much the bugger likes that!


Will said...

I agree with you in that I absolutely hate those kinds of packaging, but consider this (as I slip into Devil's Advocate mode). From the store's prespective it really deters some thieves (just imagine how easy it would be to slip that memory card into your pocket when no one is looking and stroll right out of the store. I used to work of a retail office supply store and you would be amaxed at how many open and empty boxes I found stuffed into corners. I regularly found pens missing out of a box of 12 pens for 89 cents. If people would steal a 7 cent pen, a $50 (what is that, 25 pounds?) memory card wouldn't stand a chance. So blame the scum bags who steal the stuff.

Anonymous said...

Good point Will, I never thought of it that way.

Did they seriously pinch pens???

I mean I know I borrow on a permenant basis some things from the stationary cupboard at work, but it aint that often. But 1 pen?? Why not the whole box.

Will said...

many a time I found boxes with 11 pens in it, or 10. Very Very Sad.