Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Current Affairs

The Home Owners Package

So from next year Home owners will no longer have to include a survey of their house as part of a Home owners package. Our fantastic (please!) government have done a U-turn and decided against it.

WTF! Did they propose it for in the first place????

There was nothing wrong with the current system that had the buyers paying the mortgage companies or Estate Agents for the survey to be done. In a lot of cases the Estate Agent or Mortgage company would pay for the survey themselves thus wavering the cost to the home buyer.

They (the bunch of thieving, lying, hypocritical arseholes known as the government) have chosen however to make compulsory an Energy efficiency rating for the sellers property. Now I only know about that, because we had our loft re-insulated to meet the current standards, and had cavity wall insulation put in, and was told about it 2 years ago.

But for fucks sake, how many other ordinary people know about this?? Not too many I will wager! Why?? Because there has been bugger all advertising about it. And why has there been so little advertising about it??? Cause the government know that it will be unpopular and don't want to talk to much about it.

The thing is how do we the 'normal' 'average' citizen determine what the figures in this Efficiency rating relate to? I mean is an energy efficiency rating of 75% be much different from a 70% rating? Or will they be using ratings from 1 to 10, or 0.0 to 1.0??

Who knows????

Once again it's bollocks!!!

Tony Blair's going to be OK though, he spouts that much hot air, his house doesn't need any heating!

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