More good news followed when I learned my Uncle has just aquired a property in Florida, so it looks like the kids and I will be off to Disney next year Wahoooooooo!
But when I got back home I did have a bit of a worry, I had a letter from the Letting Agent saying I was two months in arrears on the flat and the landlord wanted me out! Luckily the agent had made a mistake in the letter and was VERY apologetic.
Can't wait for tonight as it will be the first kipping on a memory foam mattress, now it arrived at around 9:15 this morning, rolled up like a rug, didn't look very thick at all, in fact it was more like a sleeping bag. But then after unwrapping it it began to expand, now it is proper thick and very squashy, feels pretty comfy, but we shall see.
OK so happy days are here again, next time I hope to put up a review of Coroline in 3D, and of Hannah Montanna the movie, which I saw with the kids.