Thursday, June 05, 2008

Movie Review

I am Legend

Starring: Will Smith & a Dog

Rating: 15

Firstly let me say that I am a big fan of Will Smith,and think that he is a very adapable actor, so I was really looking forward to watching it.

How wrong I was! This has to be the most boring wrung out film recently made. It was just SOOOOOOOOOOOO SLOW!!!!

I can sum up the film and rewrite the script very easily.

Man and dog walk about an empty city in the daytime, but not in the dark because of dangerous things. He thinks he is the only sane person on the planet and is searching for a cure for the dangerous things. He then walks about and drives about some more, with his dog. Something else happens, so he walks and drives about a bit more. Then something else happens and the film ends.

Will and his dog sitting down after walking for a bit

There is some action in the film, but the CGI is so poor that it really is not believable one jot. Honestly it is that bad.

The film is based on the Omega Man, which was far, far better, more atmospheric and frankly better acted. Will Smith does his best, but if I was supposedly the last man on earth I don't think I'd be as sane as he was.

Example- he still had the nonce about him to work on an antidote to the virus that wiped out the human race! Yet next minute he was talking to mannequins, sorry but how unreal and unbelievable can you get?

I cannot express how disappointed I was with this film, if you want to see a film with someone driving about or walking around get a bad road movie.

Sorry Will, but you've made a right turkey here

Star Rating : *****