As promised this weeks theme is on America, so our friends across the Atlantic should have a bit of an advantage. But, my mum has turned around and really thrown down the Gauntlet. She has stated that "just because Americans do a quiz on America doesn't mean to say they will win. I think I could very well do better!". Surely she cannot make it three wins on the trot?? Only Will has managed to do that.
As I am writing this sentance from the hotel at Birmingham airport, you will gather I am off on my travels again. This time it is India, so you have two whole weeks to do the quiz, you may need it especially for the quizzicles round.
Well let's see shall we, on with the quiz, click continue to, well, continue.
Round 1: Movie Link
Below are images of celebrities from movies, just give me the name of the celebrity and the movie. Then tell me what links them together.
4) The lady's name
Round 2: Warped Celebrities
All of these celebrities have something in common, they have all appeared in films with either America or American in the title. You just have to name the celebrity and the film. It can't be that hard I have given you half the title already!!
Round 3: SoundBites
Click on the blue arrow to hear the intro and then tell me what the song is and whether or not it is associated with an American TV show, by naming the show.
1) Clip 1
2) Clip 2
3) Clip 3
4) Clip 4
5) Clip 5
6) Clip 6
7) Clip 7
8) Clip 8
9) Clip 9
10) Clip 10
Round 4: Quizzicles
OK last up is the quizzicles, and this time we are talking American law. All of the following ARE actual laws, no mickey taking, these are for real! All you have to tell me is the State in which they are law. Have a think how many times you could have broken the law without knowing it!!!
1) Illegal to walk down the street with your shoelaces undone?
2) Illegal to buy alcohol without written permission from the wife?
3) A man has to remove his hat when he meets a cow?
4) Illegal to threaten a butterfly?
5) Illegal to take more than 3 sips of beer at one time, whilst standing?
6) Illegal to spit into the wind?
7) Illegal to eat cottage cheese after 6pm on a Sunday?
8) Illegal to peel an orange in a hotel room?
9) Illegal to carry fishing takle in a cemetery?
10)Illegal for a dog to chase a cat up a telegraph pole (the owner is fined) ?